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  • Edenharter K, Jaworek MW, Engelbrecht V, Winter R, Happe T (2024) H2 production under stress: [FeFe]‑hydrogenases reveal strong stability in high pressure environments. Biophysical Chemistry


  • Gajardo-Parra NF, Rodìguez G, Arroyo-Avirama AF, Veliju A, Happe T, Canales RI, Sadowski G, Held C (2023) Impact of Deep Eutectic Solvents on Kinetics and Folding Stability of Formate Dehydrogenase. Processes
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  • Duan J, Veliju A, Lampret O, Liu L, Yadav S, Apfel UP, Armstrong FA, Hemschemeier A, Hofmann E (2023) Insights into the Molecular Mechanism of Formaldehyde Inhibition of [FeFe]-Hydrogenases. J. Am. Chem. Soc.
  • Brocks C, Das CK, Duan J, Yadav S, Apfel UP, Ghosh S, Hofmann E, Winkler M, Engelbrecht V, Schäfer LV, Happe T (2023) A Dynamic Water Channel Affects O2 Stability in [FeFe] Hydrogenases. ChemSusChem
  • Haas R, Engelbrecht V, Lampret O, Yadav S, Apfel UP, Leimkühler S, Happe T (2023) The [4Fe-4S]-Cluster of HydF is not Required for the Binding and Transfer of the diiron site of [FeFe]-Hydrogenases. ChemBioChem
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  • Rutz A, Das CK, Fasano A, Jaenecke J, Yadav S, Apfel UP, Engelbrecht V, Fourmond V, Léger C, Schäfer LV, Happe T (2023) Increasing the O2 resistance of the [FeFe]-hydrogenase CbA5H through enhanced protein flexibility. ACS Catalysis, DOI: 10.1021/acscatal.2c04031
  • Duan J, Hemschemeier A, Burr DJ, Stripp ST, Hofmann E, Happe T (2023) Cyanide Binding to [FeFe]-Hydrogenase Stabilizes the Alternative Configuration of the Proton Transfer Pathway. Angew Chem Int Ed Engl.: e202216903 doi: 10.1002/anie.202216903


  • Günzel A, Engelbrecht V, Happe T (2022) Changing the tracks: screening for electron transfer proteins to support hydrogen production. J Biol Inorg Chem (7):631-640 doi: 10.1007/s00775-022-01956-1
  • Heghmanns M, Rutz A, Kutin Y, Engelbrecht E, Winkler M, Happe T, Kasan­mascheff M (2022) The Oxygen-Resistant [FeFe]-Hydrogenase CbA5H Harbors an Unknown Radical Signal. Chemical Science 13, 24: 7289–94
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  • Heghmanns M, Günzel A, Brandis D, Kutin Y, Engelbrecht V, Winkler M, Happe T, Kasan­mascheff M (2021) Fine-Tuning of FeS Proteins Monitored via Pulsed EPR Redox Potentiometry at Q-Band. Biophysical Reports 1, 2
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  • Engelbrecht V, Liedtke K, Rutz A, Yadav S, Günzel A, Happe T (2020): One isoform for one task? The second hydrogenase of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii prefers hydrogen uptake. Int J Hydrogen Energy  doi: 10.1016/j.ijhydene.2020.11.231
  • Lampret O, Duan J, Hofmann E, Winkler M, Armstrong FA, Happe T (2020): The roles of long-range proton-coupled electron transfer in the directionality and efficiency of [FeFe]-hydrogenases. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 117(34):20520-20529.  doi: 10.1073/pnas.2007090117
  • Böhmer S, Marx C, Gómez-Baraibar A, Nowaczyk MM, Tischler D, Hemschemeier A, Happe T (2020): Evolutionary diverse Chlamydomonas reinhardtii Old Yellow Enzymes reveal distinctive catalytic properties and potential for whole-cell biotransformations. Algal Research 50: 101970.  doi: 10.1016/j.algal.2020.10197
  • Lorent C, Katz S, Duan J, Kulka CJ, Caserta G, Teutloff C, Yadav S, Apfel UP, Winkler M, Happe T, Horch M, Zebger I (2020): Shedding Light on Proton and Electron Dynamics in [FeFe] Hydrogenases. J Am Chem Soc. 142(12):5493-5497.  doi:10.1021/jacs.9b13075
  • Luo GF, Biniuri Y, Chen WH, Wang J, Neumann E, Marjault HB, Nechushtai R, Winkler M, Happe T, Willner I (2020): Modelling Photosynthesis with ZnII -Protoporphyrin All-DNA G-Quadruplex/Aptamer Scaffolds. Angew Chem Int Ed Engl. 59(23):9163-9170.  doi:10.1002/anie.202002915
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  • Sidabras JW, Duan J, Winkler M, Happe T, Hussein R, Zouni A, Suter D, Schnegg A, Lubitz W, Reijerse EJ (2019): Extending electron paramagnetic resonance to nanoliter volume protein single crystals using a self-resonant microhelix. Sci Adv 5(10):eaay1394.  doi: 10.1126/sciadv.aay1394
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  • Duan J, Mebs S, Senger M, Laun K, Wittkamp F, Heberle J, Happe T, Hofmann E, Apfel UP, Winkler M, Haumann M, Stripp ST (2019): The Geometry of the Catalytic Active Site in [FeFe]-hydrogenases is Determined by Hydrogen Bonding and Proton Transfer. ACS Catalysis [Epub ahead of print].  doi: 10.1021/acscatal.9b02203
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  • Adam D, Bösche L, Castaneda-Losada L, Winkler M, Apfel UP, Happe T (2016): Sunlight dependent hydrogen production by photosensitizer/hydrogenase systems. ChemSusChem 10(5):894-902.  doi: 10.1002/cssc.201601523
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  • Applegate AM, Lubner CE, Knörzer P, Happe T, Golbeck JH (2014): Quantum yield measurements of light-induced H2 generation in a photosystem I-[FeFe]-H2ase nanoconstruct. Photosynth Res 127(1):5-11.  doi:10.1007/s11120-014-0064-y
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  • Li-Beisson Y, Peltier G, Knörzer P, Happe T, Hemschemeier A (2013): Hydrogen and biofuel production in the chloroplast. Plastid biology in the series Advances in Plant Biology. (Theg S, Wollman FA (eds)) Springer, In press: 559-585.  doi:10.1007/978-1-4939-1136-3_19
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  • Adamska A, Silakov A, Lambertz C, Rüdiger O, Happe T, Reijerse E, Lubitz W (2012): Identification and Characterization of the "Super-Reduced" State of the H-Cluster in [FeFe] Hydrogenase: A New Building Block for the Catalytic Cycle? Angew Chem Int Ed Engl 51(46):11458–11462.  doi:10.1002/anie.201204800
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  • Happe T, Lambertz C, Kwon JH, Rexroth S, Rögner M (2012): Hydrogen Production by natural and semiartificial systems; in: "Microalgal Biotechnology: Integration and economy", Posten C, Walter C (eds), De Gruyter Berlin 2012:111-128.  doi:10.1515/9783110298321.111
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